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Y Monday, October 22, 2007

i love youuuuu ^^


supressing a smile
3:36 PM

Y Friday, September 14, 2007

came to post! haha!. todae math paper is not easy uh.. it's damn HARD!!! but, nvm it is just prelim. not veri important.. i will definitely do my best in my N level.. got to work hard for my studies eh. i m veri weak in all my subject. hahas.! :D till here!

everyone work hard together!! we can do it! :D

supressing a smile
8:09 AM


just come here to............
wish some1 happi blated birthdae...!!!!!

supressing a smile
2:11 AM

Y Monday, September 03, 2007

hey my girls , im back with posting. hahas
new blog skin for u all . sort out the skins for weeks
finally solved the problem le. XD hohos .
i guess everyone forgotten about this blog le right ? SIGH!
this week is 1 week holiday plus N lvls exam.
GOOD LUCK MY GIRLS and all the best .
work hard for this N level and we shall relax during out chalet .
Im planning for this end of year chalet again .
East Coast or DownTownEast ? mostly had told me East Coast .
hope everyone agreed with that . ENJOYMENT ON THE WAY !
work hard for this 2 months til October, and relax during November XD
this end of year chalet must include all memorable things ! cant wait to Nov
shall decide on the date after we confirm the number of people going
JIA YOU for tml social studies paper .
Friday going out together le , hopefully to bugis ? hees. photos too !
prelims is right after our 1 week holiday so rmb to buck up for all subject .
pass well for both prelims and N levels kays . dont stress ourselves too much .
love ya, muaccks x3x3x3

Our June Holiday Chalet =]

Our East Coast BBQ

The Shooting Star during BBQ

stil remember.. HAJI LANE

Sakae Sushi with Besties

K-box during 08August2007

The Whole Group of Friends

We Girls. Loved them for life <3

one and only
meiyi XD

supressing a smile
5:31 AM

Y Wednesday, August 29, 2007

hey girlies, its been a billion years since i last post.LOL,kinda lazy to post. I MISS U GUYS SOOOO MUCH.lalalalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,so wazzup??! everyones busy with examinations. hope all of u can promote to sec 5 :D, i wanna edit pictures!!! anyone wants to edit their pictures??! i mean only 7 besties :].

supressing a smile
4:46 PM

Y Monday, August 13, 2007

he he. finally i come post. wa... how long never touch this blog already? nobody come post? still don't have anybody come post, our blog will soon become rusty. the last post is on MAY!!! OH MY GOD!!! when your free come post. really want to left it to dust?

*please come post when you are free. @.@*
~sTuPiiD GaL~

supressing a smile
6:37 AM

Y Friday, May 11, 2007

hey hey hey!!!!!
i come to upload liao..!!! wahahah..!!1 this few week gt things happen sia..!!! all bad de..!!! whaha.!! but nvm... i will nt feel weak de.. i don care wan la..!! sick!!!!... wth..!!! ai ya 4get it lor..!!! exam coming liiao lor... must study le.. miss wang suuuxxxxx>!!!@$*@#%( this fucker...!! she sux to hell..!!! thinking of her make mi feel like thinking of a pig.!!! seeing her is like looking at a pig teaching us chemistry..!!! sux!!!! sux... sux...!!!! sooo big size thinking like small kid..!! step 1 small kid la... so bigg bigg biggg siZE..!!! ...........

buai buai....

supressing a smile
1:46 AM

Y Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Hey guys!
Cheers for our chalet to be happening!
Hehe. Ermm.
Hopefully all the girls will be able to make it!
Hehe! Well.. We gonna enjoy to the fullest!
N-level exams coming! So we must work extra harder!
But june holidays chalet we must enjoy enjoy AND enjoy!
Then after that! study hard!
Hope everything will be fine after the chalet..!
Take care pals!!


supressing a smile
4:40 AM

Y Saturday, April 07, 2007

hey besties!!i've changed the blogskin..u guys like it??spent really long time on this.hope you guys will like it somehow...we have a new tagboard..i've put in our pictures!!woohoos...i dont know what songs you guys wanna put in tho..

supressing a smile
9:18 PM

Y Friday, March 16, 2007

Hey! Stacey ar stacey!
I still remember... 15-03-2007
Is.. a special day!!
Happy 16th Birthday To Euu!!
HopE all your wishes come true ya?
Ermm. Hope you have been living well there?
But i Tink Ya!
Haha. Hope to see u soon when ure havin ur summer break.!
Take care and stay happy yeah?

-- cHaRmAiiNe --

supressing a smile
2:59 AM

Y Thursday, March 15, 2007

hey! stacey! happy B'dae to you!! happy 16th B'dae!! wish you grow pretty everyyear! good luck in every thing you do..


sharon! beloved fren!!

supressing a smile
9:13 AM


hey!!! happy birthday!!! i at msn already greet you a happy birthday liao... but don't know you got see anot... hahaz... why your holiday so long then start... then you still got come back to here ma... hope you can early holiday and comeback before we start school... only holidays then i can online for quite some time, so didn't tag you offen... at there good ma??? sure very good horz... must come back to visit us horz... tata...
*come back soon...*
~sTuPiiD GaL~

supressing a smile
9:05 AM


guess what? today i'm posting because of this special day. wakakas. 15 of March.
Happy Birthday to Stacey. hehes. she's 16 year old le. hehes. older then mie for 9months. hees.
i wondered how did she celebrated her birthday. i know last week she already received some of her present from relative le. hahas. stay happy and be pretty forever. hehes. she's the oldest among the 8 of us lehs. hehes. i guess also the tallest. kees. anyway we will remain as bestiies no matter where you go. xD

a birthdaay song for her..
Happy bithday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy brithday to STACEY

hope to see you soon. hopefully is this coming june will get to see you le.
take care and miss ya lots.


supressing a smile
8:40 AM