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Y Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Yoz... So this is the blog that is own by the 8 of us!!! Hmmm... Well... We walked this road till now... alot of sunny and rainy day of our friendship... But still?? We are getting this friendship ties so closely... I'm gonna put this friendship inside my pocket.. and heart.. don't let other ppl still ar... haha... hmm... so... i just hope no matter what happened, we must stay together as one.. haha... 8 people hor... like gang siaa.. haha... our gang name is silly... hahahaha... inside this group we have people that is..... Sot de... siao de... lame de.. silly de... naughty de... tingtong de... crazy de... and sot sot de... hahaha.... well... this is my first post... next time have time then i post again lor... okok?? Just hope our 8 friends... will lasst forever.....and forever..........!!!!!

-- cHaRmAiNe --

supressing a smile
3:55 AM

Y Tuesday, September 12, 2006

HA!... finally i can come and post the blog.. or else i will be scolded by the 7 of them..ahem~!//:PpPpP
Today we played the ''er lin wu'' at our MT class like geraldine said it was realli veri fun! since the mdm chen nv come den we played like mad!..haha! beat arm beat leg beat every where.. .. haha.. all kana beat veri hard, den i was the one who suffered with the most pain..all attacked mi,hit mi still got sound de..but every thing is okay lah.. i haven die lah.. i survive from all their attacked.. haha!..
Now the time is around 1+ liao.. den i still haven sleep yet.. you know why? becase of the post i must write lah!.. haha!.=P
so today is 13/9/2006 which belong to a person birthday,this person called charmaine chong xue min.. And i wish you a veri surprises and presant HaPPy BiRTHDAE!!.~~ stay pretty cheerful and sporting life!

=*chEErful sIsTeR=*

supressing a smile
9:50 AM


today at MT lesson. teacher not here again. so we have free period. we started to take picture again. after school 8 of us went KFC for lunch. everyone ate 2piece chicken meal. geraldine did not eat.
tml is charmaine birthday.
Happy Birthday my sitting partner.
hees. tml ur birthday. happy? u should be very surprised we create tis blog during ur birthday and is part of ur birthday present. dun be too touch till u cry. kays. i will sure lend u my shoulder. hahas. stay happy, chio and fortunate forever.

stacey, geraldine and mie [meiyii]

we're smiling without showing our teeth.

left - right [hui min, stacey, geraldine, meiyii, hui shi]

studying !!!???. so guaix mehs

'do i look like i FREAKIN care' hui shi fierce look

Charmaine. our birthday gal for tml.

dun shot mie. i'm too shy .

dun play ler. i wan to sleep
went to KFC for our lunch. everyone ate 2piece chicken male. except geradline who did not eat. after lunch. joanne and charmaine went home . and ger, xia, shi, min and mie went JP to shop for maine birthday present. they did not go for netball training as they were going to JP with mie and ger. we walk together with stacey and take de bus from her hse dere to JP

miie [mei yi] ger and hui shi [babe face] @ KFC

mie[meiyi] hui shi and ger. again.

hui min, yu xia, hui shi and charmanine. all wearing spects =)

posted by meiyii

supressing a smile
8:55 AM


hey... hey.. hey..!!!! whahaha...!!!
first time writing this blog sia.. than i donnoe wan to write wad...
erm... jus start off wif wad i am doing now.. now doing a sketch book which belong to the 8 of us.. u all will get to see it 2morrow..
than i end here le..

frend 4 life..!!!

supressing a smile
6:42 AM


hi ya...... first time dun kno wad to write. bt erm ya. we quarrel mani time and then cry and then we frenz again... haha... recycle over n over again.. hahaha...... HEY Charmaine birthdae hor.. happy anot dun cry leh..haha.
then juz wanna sae b happy.. dun b lky a baby olway cry hor.. kk stop here... rmb
WE frenz R 4ever N boy we nid nt care.. stop here FRENZ 4EVER...

supressing a smile
6:29 AM


Yo!Yo!HIE MAN!!!SO HAPPY. .1st time sia..hahahahahas. =D
today at MT lesson we play hand game at the back of our class lei.xian mu ma??hahahahas.lame hors. .but is really verry fun.
truely while writing tis blog.i feel verry an wei.i feel tat i'm verry lucky tat god put me in tis skool wit these cute frens..hehes =)
i'm nw at meiyi's hse n guess wad r we doing??we r making a book of ours.it rox man.verry proud.is amn proud de lor.

oh ya. .HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAINE!!!!!!!!hahas.surpise tat i wrote tis blog??!!
15th years old liao leh. .wa. .make i/c liao hor.nvm i receving my i/c.hahas.as u grow older i wish tat u will continue to be more mature n also look to the positive side of everything kie.noe you've seen through many miracles hope tat u will continue to believe tat there will always be miracles. .hope tat tis year de b'dae u will verry touched n be happy.
We have gone through so many quarrals.hehes.through these quarrals we have indeed grow stronger in our relationship.

Last but not least. .take care.Smile always.GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!
Frens 4 life!!
"tis is maybe the first n last time i write"dun miz me..!!

Post by:GERALDINE GOH Copy right

supressing a smile
4:38 AM


erm...ya...finali sign in...ytd try 2 sign in bt cannt sia...hmm...tis blog is mak by e 7 of us...ur great frenz...a priceless bt meaninful present...hope u wil b hapi...is MUZ hapi...dunno wat 2 wish u...maine...wish u a hapi birthdae n may ur relationship hv a hapi endin...
sista 4eva,
Qiao An Ne

supressing a smile
3:54 AM


yoyoyoz finally our blog is completed juz need tuu post...7 of us mus post for maine's birfdae...surprise she doesnt ne tt we made a blog...a part of her birfdae present..MAINE!!hey in sch,we sae sum secrets u saw rite??nort sayin bad words is sayin bout ur birfdae tingy shoo canot tell u mah...don angry kays??surprise HAPPI BIRFDAE TUU UU!!!!!happi mah??luv u n the other 6...muackies may our frenship last 4eva n 4va even den we grow old...mai darlins...4eva der darlins...frenz4life...8 of us...=))hope we wont quarrel again anymore...shang gan qing..8 of us hve tuu accept each other for whu they r...luv each other...=))hees luv u guys...BIRFDAE GAL HAPPI MAH??R U TOUCHED??HVE FUN ON WED 13/9 YEAHSS
wishings frm stacey<33>

supressing a smile
2:31 AM

Y Monday, September 11, 2006

wahh. today damm fun during mother tongue lesson. we all 8 is so happi lehs. took many many picture. hees. 2 more day to charmaine birthdae. we will be giving tis bloggie as one of her birthday present lehs. she still dunno de 8 of us having tis bloggie. hope she like it.

mother tongue lesson. mdm chen nv come. so we lend ben handphone to take photos of de 8 of us. i guess this is de 1st time de 8 of us really take photo lehs. so fun.
look at our happy moments we have in class =)

8 of us =) muaccks

smile as we walk together

we love to squeeze. maine face blur

8 bestiies. happi moment

hui shi bullying manine. [next birthday gal]

stacey, manine and hui shi

stacey n mie[meiyii]

stacey, mei yii and hui shi
our legs. with huishi watch at de medium
our beautiful hands
posted by meiyii

supressing a smile
9:16 AM