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Y Monday, October 30, 2006

Idiot dohdoh.. haha. IdIot face
my Cute dog.. dohdoh.. haha

supressing a smile
9:15 PM


all my 7bestiies mostly oso come n post le lehs. so i oso wan go post. kees. all posted picture. i oso need to be very supportive lors. =D
stacey, miss u so much. at america need to tc. dun get siick again!!
not forgetin the other 6. faster plan when go out together. kees

still rmb the 1st time we went sentosa together? hees

xia bday'2005. our happy times at east coast park =D

not forgeting chalet'2005 at pasiir ris

the reflection of the 8 of us. in school

the 1st time we went k-box together. xD. really fun

xia bday'2006. eating steam boat at xia hse. XP

jo, xia n mie. can u spot us? we went china (:

posted by:
youngest meiyii

supressing a smile
8:00 AM


rMb tis..I was kanna hit by stacey n huimin
coz i show teeth. wa lao my butt leh..haha


supressing a smile
3:26 AM

Y Sunday, October 29, 2006

other 4 photo... all of you take photo with mi.. wahah!

supressing a smile
6:59 AM

Y Saturday, October 28, 2006

woohoo 8 darlins i've reached new york liaox...hw r u all??gort go out mah??u 8 gals hve any fun?lols...here damn freakin cold siakx..freezing...sit on air plane sit until butt pain siakx,1 flight frm s'pore tuu hong kong 3 hrs lke tat,hong kong airport was quite nice...den after tat frm hong kong tuu vancouver...woohx vancouver was shoo nice manx...der flight frm s'pore tuu hong kong i was nort given der window buden frm hong kong tuu vancouvan i gort it...yeahx,can c lorx shoo nice..alot of cottages,trees tat r orangy yellow woohx....nicenicenice,hong wasnt bad tuu alot of buildins...den can xperience when der plane flies up n down shoo nice...^^der food at der plane was erm ok bud i didnt finished it all up...der cabin crews thr was v.nice tuu reached new york at 9.15pm...lols,saw mai sisters n mum mai sisters was laughin all der way=]haas tmr go gaigai lerx...buaix

supressing a smile
9:37 PM


long time ago... mi and you were onli sec2.. love you! haha! muack! and all my gals friends! 8 of course.. this blog meant for 8 of us rite! no photo to put.. dun mind rite?.. dun jealous!.. because i love all of you too..! hees=D=D=D=D

supressing a smile
10:06 AM


i love you gals! you know>??? =D

supressing a smile
10:01 AM

Y Thursday, October 26, 2006

same as usual wak up at 6 bt quite late go out...coz earli prepare finish so rest awhile bt i fel aslp on e sofa...so late 5 mins go out...which is 6.55 den go out...dar dar oso late 2dae so i met him at e traffic lights dere...den walk 2 sta's blk...tis few daes dunno y sta so earli...we haven reach her blk she oledi walk 2wards us liao...den walk 2 sch 2gether...den reach sch liao...i n dar dar walk seperate wais so dar dar sae bb 2 me...den i sae i dun wan 2 sae bb 2 him...den he sae lyk tt de lor...2dae nth happen much in sch...everibodi oso gt cum...sta xia min maine ger shi ah wong meiyi...al gt cum...hmm...2dae gt e celebration of deepa raya(deepapali n hari raya)...den after sch sta go find amos bt amos nv cum met her..she cal us 2 mis cal amos bt it seems lyk e fone is switch off or no batt....sta lyk v.angri...coz she ned 2 go hm earli...den she sae dun w8 liao...den we go tak bus 2 jp...reach jp liao...sta go buy wat she wan den go hm..i n ah wong stay at jp den we go eat mos burger...so xpensive i eat 1 meal omost cost me 7 smtin...den ah wong nv eat she juz drink e strawberri milkshake...i change my drink 2 vanilla milkshake...i luv vanilla so much...hahaz...den after tt ah wong go hm...den dar dar gt met me...so i at jp shop shop around den dar dar cum...coz 2nite he gt appreciation nite tinggi...den we shop until 5 smtin...i scare he wil b late 4 tt tinggi...coz he has 2 reach dere at 6.30...den dar dar sent me hm 1st den he go sch...after i reach hm...i sms dar dar awhile n i v.tired...so i fel aslp on e sofa while smsin wif dar dar...abt 9 smtin den i wak up n repli dar dar's msg...den go eat dinner...eat finish le den i go play com awhile den go bath...after bath den cum post...i wil stop here 4 2dae...ta ta...

*no quarrel...peacefulli...*

Qiao An Ne

supressing a smile
9:43 AM

Y Wednesday, October 25, 2006

hmm...same as usual wak up 6 n go out at 6.50...den met dar dar below my blk...den walk 2 sta's blk dere...on e wai 2 sta'a blk...i nt hapi wif dar dar coz he sae me...den i angri wif him...sta 2dae earli abit...b4 we reach her blk she oledi on e wai walk 2wards us liao...after met sta den i walk wif sta tok wif sta lor...den dar dar bhind us...sta ask me wat happen den i sae i lata den tel her...after reach sch...dar dar walk awai liao...den i n sta walk 2 e courtyard den put dw our bags liao den i tel her lor...2dae xia,min,shi n meiyi nv cum...onli me,sta,maine,ger n ah wong...2dae was quite a fun dae...hahax...2dae dunno y i feel so hungri...kp hopin fasta reach recess den can go eat...hahax...2dae i recess i eat home made noodle wif brown soupi...hahax...ah wong oso eat same as me...bt her 1 is dry 1...no soupi...den after sch ah wong go hm first...den i,maine n ger go accompani sta go find public fone 2 cal amos den accompani her w8 4 amos cum...after tt amos cuum liao...den awhile dar dar oso cum out liao...den abt a few mins lata...ger sae wan go hm...den maine accompani her...after tt dar dar ask me go hm 1st...i sae dunno c 1st...den he sae he send me hm...den i ask him tt he dun hv trainin meh...den he sae he send me 1st den cum bk 4 trainin...den we stand up...sta n amos oso stand up...after tt we walk separate wai...we walk straight n sta n amos turn right...on e wai walkin hm i kp ask dar dar he gt tym 2 went bk 4 trainin ma...he kp sae gt gt gt...den after tt reach my blk liao...den i saw my daddi...den i fasta hide bhind e wall...den after tt i sae bb 2 dar dar liao...den pretend i nv saw my daddi kp watchin my watch den walk straight awai into e lift den go up...after reach hm...mummi ask me tt i nv saw my daddi ah...i sae no...coz i kp lokin at my watch den walk straight into e lift...den after tt i go switch on my com den post lor...i wil stop here 4 2dae...ta ta...

*8 of us...frenz 4eva...*

Qiao An Ne

supressing a smile
1:39 AM

Y Sunday, October 22, 2006

supressing a smile
2:19 AM

Y Thursday, October 19, 2006

same as usual wak up at 6 n go out at 6.50...go met dar dar below my blk...on e wai 2 sta's blk i 4get 2 bring her sch skirt along...so i went bk again n tak her skirt...goin 2 b late liao...i tot she wil b walkin 2 sch herself 1st...den i reach liao i saw min shi maine ger meiyi...bt nv saw sta...den shi ask me sta leh...i sae i tot late liao she cum herself first...den shi sae sta cum liao...den sta sae she cal my hp bt i nv hear...i sae coz i switch 2 silent...i noe sta v.angri...sure de...bt i oso bcoz of her skirt den late de...haiz...if i straight awai walk 2 her hs...i wont b late...bt she wil hv no skirt 2 wear 2 sch...2dae v.sianz...xia nv cum 4 ytd n 2dae...d&t lesson watch movie...Sky High...sta n ah wong go e f&n ting...so e lessons after d&t im al alone...wat can i do is slp lor...coz nth 2 do ma...den after sch...gt cca...bt i dun wan 2 go...2dae dun hv poa...at first i wan go visit xia de...bt bro cal me go hm babisit ah be...so i cannt go...i accompani sta w8 amos cum liao..den dar dar c me hm..bt i dun wan so earli go hm...den i go hm change a bag...den go dw again...i eat m&m chocolate n drink a can of wata...den we w8 4 ah be cum bk...after ah be cum bk...den i bring ah be go playground play...at first ah be lyk v.scare dar dar...nv go near him...den after tt we play play play...den she lyk slowli 2 b close wif dar dar...abt 3.30 smtin liao...den i n ah be goin hm...den ah be kp holdin dar dar n sae wan 2 giv dar dar smtin ...wan him 2 go up oso...after go up...we spent a few mins 2 cheat ah be go hm first bt she dun wan...den i go open dr first...den i saw my daddi...so i fasta cal dar dar go 1st...den i bring ah be hm...i tink my mummi wil soon noe i gt stead liao...coz my bro saw my display pic on msn...haiz...nvm...let them noe ba...aniwai...it's goin 2 happen soona or lata...i wil stop here 4 2dae..ta ta...

*aiya...4get 2 told e other 5 of them 2 post...hw 4getful i m...=l*

Qiao An Ne

supressing a smile
2:26 AM

Y Wednesday, October 18, 2006

tis is e white piggi i gt 2dae at JE...hang at hp de...
ytd lazi...so nv post...2dae same as usual wak up at 6 n go out at 6.50...i met Dar Dar below my blk...den we walk 2 Sta's hs...on e wai i ask him whether he wan go JE wif me n Sta...den at first nt sure...after tt sae he goin...we reach Sta's blk n w8 4 Sta...after Sta reach we walk 2 sch 2gether...2dae in sch gt e 2pid 1 hr speech so sianz n borin...omost fel aslp...finalli 1 hr reach n we go bk 2 our class...exam papers has given bk 2 us...i nt sure whether my Eng pass...if my Eng fail...i hv 2 pass 4 subjects 2 conti. 2 sec 4...by nw onli gt 3 subjects pass onli...den after sch...Dar Dar den msg me he cannt go liao...i so angri...he shuo hua bu shua hua...hem!!!den i n Sta rush 2 my hs n changed...den we go tak 243 2 Boon Lay Mrt den tak Mrt train 2 Jurong Mrt...on e wai 2 Jurong Mrt...Sta cal Amos...ask him wher he is...den Amos sae he stil at hm...den reach liao...we walk 2 JE...we walk around den i saw e machine gt white n black piggi key chain n hang hp de...i wan 2 buy de...bt nt enuff coin...den go lor...we w8 4 Amos fr abt 2 smtin 2 omost 3...he stil haven reach...den Sta cal Amos...Amos sae he juz goin 2 tak bus...Sta v.angri n tel him no ned 2 cum liao...den hang up...coz Sta ned 2 go bk at 3...den i n Sta go tak neoprint lor...after tt i gt sm coins liao...den i go buy e piggies key chain...i gt a white piggi hang hp de fr e machine...yeah...hahax...i lyk e white n black piggi n e tortise so much...den abt 4 or 4 smtin liao...den we go hm...Sta scare she cant reach hm in tym...coz she oledi late liao...so we tak cab go hm...Sta gt dw first den i tel e taxi uncle 2 put me dw at pioneer mal...coz i ned 2 go buy smtin den go hm...after reach hm liao...i put dw my tings den go tak a nap n hv dinner after e nap...abt 9 smtin go bath...after bath den cum post...actualli i wan 2 post e neoprint i took wif Sta de...bt Sta sae she nt nice den i nv post lor...hahax...i wil stop here 4 2dae...ta ta...
*stil gt 5 more nv cum post*
Qiao An Ne

supressing a smile
9:41 AM

Y Monday, October 16, 2006

long tym nv post le...coz tis few daes Bro usin...so nv use lor...2dae wak up at 11 sharp...actualli conti. b my piggi de...bt Mummi wak me up...coz 2dae wan go Gek Pok cut hair...den i wak up liao...go wash up n change...den go out at 11 smtin...go tak bus 2 Gek Pok...reach Gek Pok le...den go eat first den go cut hair...haiz...sianz...cut liao sure lok v.gong...coz everitym oso lyk tt de...at last...e result was lyk wat i tot at first...ahh..i lok so gong...haiz...sianz diao liao...den go prime market buy tings wif Mummi...den tak bus go hm...v.tired...coz nt enuff slp...so tired...reach hm liao...den i go bath...den cum play com...ahh...i lok so ah gong...tmr hw 2 c ppl...haiz...Dar Dar 2dae go do ic...he oso v.sianz n tired...haiz...both sianz n tired...lata at nite stil hv 2 go IMM wif my Mummi,Sis n Ah Be...go tak passport foto...Sis sae go dere tak if ugli e ppl can hlp u edit in com...den go dere lor...mayb tis Thurs-Sun...1of e daes...go mak ic...hehex...finalli me ler...e 8 of us...al mak ic liao...accept me n MeiYi...nw finalli me le...hahax...left MeiYi...bt soon wil reach her de...last tym Xia's turn go mak ic...i tot i stil gt a long wai...den so fast my turn liao...hahax...stop here 4 2dae...ta ta...

*hahax...finalli gt 1 of them post le...nw totalli gt 3 post le...stil gt 5 more nv post...haiz...*

Qiao An Ne

supressing a smile
12:46 AM

Y Saturday, October 14, 2006

this are those picture for lantern festival. de 8 of us celebrated together . kekes. so sweet orhhx. its was really a fun n nice day for de 8 of us.
bestiies for life <3.
our hearts. <3

8 of us. standing in a role. maucckswe are 4ever. never be replaced. =P


us again.

ger, hui shi, meiyii n maine.

2 on 2. angry vs smile

ger n meiiyii hui shi, ger n mei yii. sparker cover hui shi face le

hui miin n meiyii meiyii n yuxia. so formal meiyii n stacey.
hui shii n meiyiihui shii peggy back ah xia.de couple - ms jojo n mr guo sheng. kekestacey n hui min. hees

posted by :

youngest meiyii


supressing a smile
2:18 AM

Y Tuesday, October 10, 2006

same as usual wak up at 6 n go out at 6.50...go met Dar Dar liao...den walk 2 Stc3y's hs...after Stac3y reach liao...den walk 2 sch 2gether...2dae gt Eng Paper 1 n Phy...Eng quite diff. bt Phy quite easi...after exam...Stac3y go met Daddi...Amos...Min Shi Ger n Maine went hm do art...coz they haven finish...den i Xia n MeiYi go 815 eat laksa...e laksa dere v.nice...soup oso v.nice...yummi...den go buy drinks den saw Dar Dar...den we anihw walk walk...walk dere walk here...we go play e swing...Ah Wong cum oso...coz she met Xia go Gek Pok's KFC studi Chem...den change 2 900+ de KFC...on e wai 2 KFC...Dar Dar dunno y...lyk nt hapi lyk tt...e face lyk Bao Gong's face lyk tt...dunno wat he nt hapi abt...tok 2 him...ask him...al lyk hack care hack care lyk tt...lyk i invisible or nv noe me b4 lyk tt...i didn tok den he tok 2 Xia they al...stil gt laugh...i lyk maid lyk tt ask him...tok 2 him...oso hack care me...den i tok wif them he nv tok...dunno wat he angri abt...i didn studi much...den go buy a cup of mountain dew drink coz thirsti...abt 6 smtin go hm...b4 we go hm Ching Fong cum...he go buy smtin n eat...when we go hm...i sae bb 2 him oso hack care...Xia mayb sae it rite lor...stead cannt b too close wif ur frenz...nw in his eyes onli gt my frenz n i m juz an outsider...den Ah Wong go Xia's hs dere eat dinner...MeiYi go hm eat dinner...den i 2dae special...walk hm alone...abt 6.30 smtin reach hm...stop here 4 2dae...ta ta...

*hope tt e everi 8 of us wil cum post e blog of 8 of us everidae happenins*

Qiao An Ne

supressing a smile
7:40 AM


hello darlins...thx 4 all ur concerns yeshy yeshy...=))muackies...hees..i tink our profile needs tuu be changed ler...jo's status mus change tuu attached...same as mii...hees...i gort a ban ler leh...hees...called ms wang juz nw tuu ask her bout mai retest on his n maths paper 1...she sae don need tuu retest...mayb tke mid yr or teacher juz gve der marks lor....shoo shiok sia...if 2dae nvr go sch den oso don need tuu tke lor...eng paper 1...lols...mid yr eng pass scared end of yr fail lor....jo hve a lovin dardar sehs...congrats...smoochies..=))hees...y our blog no ppl post der...bu xiang shi wo men der boo loo ke(chinese for blog) seh mayb ish exams bah...all der bez darlins...luv u guys...sayonara....

posted by mii
der royal queeny of der shits yeah
stacey=))hees lame sia

supressing a smile
5:49 AM

Y Monday, October 09, 2006

tak it opposite...me n Dar Dar...e first 1 we tak...i long tym nv use tis old machine liao...tts y e name so funni...
tak it opposite...me n Dar Dar...2nd tym we took e pic...stil gt 1 more...at Dar Dar dere...so nv put up...
same as usual wak up at 6 n go out at 6.50...go met Dar Dar den walk 2 sch...2dae nv go Stac3y's blk...bcoz she sick nv go sch...she cal me n tel me dun go met ler...den i sae ok lor...den go sch wif Dar Dar...2dae gt 2 exam papers...Mats paper 1 n Geo...sure fail...coz i nv read...haiz...den after sch go Gek Pok Mac eat wif them...Min n Shi go hm first...coz their mummi gt cok...so go hm first...den we eat liao...Ger go da bao mee go hm...den i Xia n MeiYi go met Dar Dar...den walk walk walk...they sae wan go jp arcade...i sae dun wan...nt purposeli dun wan go...coz 2dae Dar Dar's birthdae...n i promised him 2 go tak neoprint wif him...after go hm...i rest awhile...den go bath...after preparin i go met Dar Dar at jurong interchange...den go bugis...we buy e wasabi ice cream eat...at first nt so spici...bt bhind bhind v.spici...after tt i buy e black piggi 4 him...treat it as a birthdae present lor...den go tak neoprints wif him...den go his hs eat dinner...after tt go watch tv wif him at his hs...den abt 10 go hm...he send me 2 e MRT station...den i go hm myself...reach hm abt 10.30 smtin...stop here 4 2dae...ta ta...
Qiao An Ne

supressing a smile
9:27 AM

Y Thursday, October 05, 2006

ya...e blog of 8 of us...seems 2 b left alone...i everidae cum c no changes...no new post...finali...Stac3y post...dun feel lyk e blog of 8 of us lor...no1 cares...no1 post...at least everibodi muz post once ma...goin 2 near 1 mth liao leh...at least 1 wk post once oso can...beta den nv post...nw i everidae oso cum post...bt hor...ur oso muz post lar...onli 1 person post...y dun chop e 1 person into 8 pieces...1 piece post 1...den cal e blog of 8 of us lor...so everibodi muz go poat horx...stop here 4 2dae..ta ta...

Qiao An Ne

supressing a smile
4:15 AM

Y Wednesday, October 04, 2006

yoz darlins..y no1 post der??lolx...sian der last post is frm maine...her speech...hees now mai turn...yesh im wonderin if 8 of us realli could be frens 4 life??frens until der dae we die..haiz...wil we??lolx hope so...or mayb when we get into different polys n end up hvin other frens n neglectin 7 of dem...hope wont lor....sianx...hve mai ear piercins dono y im shoo chicken...timid until wad sia...lols..

supressing a smile
6:53 PM