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Y Thursday, November 23, 2006

halo!!!!u 7 gort miz me mahx???i miz u guys loads manx,haish,lata flyin bck to NY lerx,sobbyx NY so cold...its thanksgivin dae...u all gort eat turkey mahx???l0lx...sianx..wa~huishi der hairstyle change ler worx...bhb sae ownself chio...haas...mai forehead nw gort baby pimple liao leh!!!!wth..hw to remove it arx...si pi ple dare to charge into mai terratory....!!!!!hw r u guys???hoidae fun mahx???im goin to sch as soon as i go bck to NY...sian lor...!!!!!haiyohx...der stuff i sent u guys tkes round 6 weeks to reach....aiyohx...can b ur christms present lerx....

supressing a smile
7:35 AM

Y Tuesday, November 21, 2006

chio bu neh.. whahahaha. u all jealous maa???whahahahaahahahahahahah

supressing a smile
6:13 AM


nice ma??? hehe

supressing a smile
6:03 AM


hhihi..y no 1 cm n post de.. so sian... i post liao den u all muz start posting hor.. ermmmmmmmm.....last sat have netball carnivour then u all didnt support... hw?? u all die liao skool reopen i bash u all up.. haha... so early wake up 7.20 reach skool take bus go kallang.. play until veri late, then at match muscle cramp.. wAAAAAAAA is veri veri de pain de lor.. nw sunburnt... so er xin man my face.. haha.. cut new hair.. upload lata..

muz take care 8

supressing a smile
5:50 AM

Y Wednesday, November 15, 2006


supressing a smile
3:55 AM

Y Sunday, November 12, 2006

ytd aunt's weddin...wak up at 5.25...den go wash up comb hair n change...den go out at 6...den tak sis's fren's car go gramp's hs...after reach dere i straight awai go walk in2 aunt's rm...den aunt gt sm1 hlp her makup...nt long e video man cum...den he tak sm foto while e makup de ppl stil makup 4 my aunt...den e fotographer oso cum liao...he oso tak sm foto of my aunt while e makup de ppl stil makup 4 my aunt...after e makup de ppl finish makup 4 my aunt den she wear e headdress 4 my aunt...after tt my mummi sis n big aunt hlp my aunt wear her weddin gown...2 of my aunt's frenz cum...they r dere 2 b e bridemaids...my sis oso 1 of e bridemaids...so gt 3 of them...den they sittin at e livin rm...my aunt's frenz hv prepare sm test 4 e groom...den after awhile...we herad a loud horn...den they sae e groom cum le...den my cousin,bernerd...e open dr boi...go dw...den we go lock e dr...quite sm tym liao bt e groom haven cum up...bernerd cum up...den we ask him y e groom haven cum up...den he sae e groom was on e fone...den we noe e groom was callin 4 hlp...den after awhile e groom cum up...e bridemaids wan e groom 2 sing e jin tian ni yao jia gei wo...at 1st he sae he dunno hw 2 sing...den my sis sae she has ask my aunt liao...she sae he noe hw 2 sing...she gt hear b4...den he try 2 sing a few sentences...after tt e test starts...e bridemaids wan him 2 choose 1 of e 3 envelopes n read it out...e 1st test is a question...when is e 1st tym he hold my aunt's hand...at 1st he sae august 7...wrong...b4 tis my sis has ask my aunt le...den 2nd tym e bridemaid gt giv clue he sae august 24...wrong...at last he correct le...he sae august 22...e 2nd test is relate 2 egg...e groom n his brothers muz use their legs n pass e egg around n cannt use their hands n e egg cannt break...muz fr left leg 2 rite leg den pass 2 another person den conti....at 1st they use chicken egg den fail n e egg broke...den e 2nd tym they use bird egg...den pass liao...e 3rd test is e groom hv 2 use his hand n melt e ice...inside e ice is e key of e dr...bt they play cheat...they use lighter n melt it...when saw a lita bit of e key...e bridemaids juz let him pass n break e ice...after they cum in n go into e rm...e groom open e headdress 4 e bride n kiss her...den we tak a few fotos den e bride n e groom go e groom's hs...i nv go...den i n my cousin,qifeng go switch on e com n play..den i hlp him 2 mak e blog...after awhile e buffet cum n we go eat...den eat finish liao den conti. play com...den i wan hlp him put song on blog...den he sae dunno wan 2 put wat song...suddenli dunno y e internet cannt connect...den we shut dw e com n go play wif e babies...ah be n ben ben...ben ben is bernerd's brother...he s.d.v.v.v.cute...his actual name is benjamin...bt we cal him ben ben...he s.d.v.v.v.quiet...if u dun play wif him he wil play wif his own toys himself...bt when u play wif him...he oso v. playful de...he has been a cute fattie since he born...he so cute...his mouth smal smal de...we sae he gt yin tao xiao cui...cherri mouth...bt dunno y his saliver nv stop cum out de...nw beta liao...last tym worst...den e bride n e groom cum bk liao den they jin cha den we go tak hong bao...after e bride n e groom go 2 e club liao den we al oso go hm...when we reach hm we go prepare den go 2 e club...tak quite a long tym den e dinner start...i sit wif bernerd's daddi n qifeng...bside qifeng is my bro den my daddi mummi 3rd aunt's maid ben ben 3rd aunt,bernerd's mummi den bernerd...when e dinner start e mc tok so funi i qifeng n my bro kp laughin den my bro sae e mc throat lyk kana blocked...hahaz...den inbetween e dinner we punish e weddin couples den after e dinner we send our ah ma go my 3rd aunt's hs den go hm...after reach hm...i cant slp den go watch tv...watch a ghost show on channel 8...watch until 3 smtin ba...den go slp...2dae wak up at 3 smtin...den go wash up n comb hair...den cum post...internet dunno wat prob nv save my post den i hv 2 rewrite again until nw...i wil stop here...ta ta...

*wtf...y e blogger nv save proberli...*

Qiao An Ne

supressing a smile
7:16 AM

Y Friday, November 10, 2006

ytd nv post...coz bro use e com whole dae...i cannt use...den 2dae den post lor...so borin ytd...whole dae cannt use com...kp watchin tv...oso nt much nice 2 c...when 7 reach den go watch princess hrs tv de...den 8 watch e superstar ting...so funi...hahaz...den 9 hlp mummi record e show den i oso watch e show...den 11 smtin den go bath...den conti.watch tv...so borin...den b4 go slp lent sis's hp 2 play game...i lyk e games inside my sis's hp...so nice n fun...at sharp 2.30 den go go bk mummi rm goin 2 slp...den mummi tel me switch on e tv...c gt show anot...den we c e channel 8...gt e ming xing hao bang shou...repeat de...quite funi...den watch another show at 3...old show...3 smtin den mummi ask me stil wan 2 c anot...i sae dun wan...den she tel me 2 switch off e tv... den i switch off den go slp...2dae wak up at 1 smtin...den go wash up n comb hair...mummi n bro cum bk fr market...buy chicken rice 4 me 2 eat...after eatin i go watch tv again...until 4 smtin den i go play com...coz while im watchin tv...bro oledi go out liao...den view blogs den cum post...stop here 4 2dae...ta ta...

*borin life...=<*

Qiao An Ne

supressing a smile
1:13 AM

Y Wednesday, November 08, 2006

2dae wak up at 12 smtin...bcoz meiyi cal me sae maine ask wan go jp shop ma...den i at 1st dun wan go de..coz v.tired...ytd omost 3 den go slp...after tt maine cal ask me 2 go jp...i sae e same ans...den she sae i go slp awhile 1st...coz mayb they wil met v.late den after she hang up...sianz...i cant slp animore le...den no choice...wak up den go ask mummi can go out ma...den mummi sae can...den i ask maine wat tym met...den she sae dunno n tel me alita more while den cal her again...den i go wash up n comb hair...den mummi tel me 2 eat e fried mee on e dinnin table tt my daddi tis mornin buy de...den haven start eat maine mis cal me...den i go tak my hs fone n cal bk her...she sae met at 2 den cal me fasta go bath den i sae ok lor...bt i nv bath coz no tym 4 me 2 bath...i abt 1.05 go eat...eat until 1.25...den hv 2 rest 4 30 mins den can bath if nt unhealthy...smmore i bath so long...den after eat i go play com awhile den go change...den abt 2 smtin i stil haven go out...maine cal me sae i haven go out ah...i sae haven den i tel her i awhile lata go out...bt mummi cal me go fetch ah be 1st den go out...den after fetch ah be liao den i go out...maine cal me n tel me 2 fasta...den i sae i v.fast reach jp de...den hang...den at last im e lastest...den we accompani meiyi go eat long john den go arcade play awhile...after tt meiyi go piano lesson den we send her go bus interchange...on e wai saw wei bin den tok wif him awhile liao den go jp shop shop awhile den go arcade play again...b4 go inside arcade we cal xia they al ask wher r they...they sae they at e mrt station...stil waitin 4 e train...den i ask them wan cum jp ma...den dunno sae wat...cant hear properli...we play play play...den hungri liao wan go eat...den maine sae cal xia they al...ask them they reach le ma...if they haven reach den we go eat 1st...den i cal xia...shi ans den i ask wher r they...they sae at kopitiam...den i ask ur r eatin ah???shi sae ya...dn i ask ur juz eat nt long ah???shi sae yes...den i sae ok lor...nvm...bb...den hang off...den i n maine go long john eat...while queuein shi use xia's hp cal me n ask wher we r...den i sae at long john...den she sae lata they cum find us...den i sae ok...den we conti. eat...after awhile...xia shi n ah wong cum find us...den after a few mins den go...when we abt eat finish... xia n ah wong cum find us...they wan 2 lent card fr us 2 go arcade play...after i n maine eat finish...den we 4 2gether go 3rd flr n play arcade...den after awhile xia's brother cum n play awhile den go shop awhile den go hm...after reach hm outside liao den i noe i 4got 2 brin key go out den sianz...no1 at hm...luckili when i cal my mummi she sae reachin hm liao...at 1st flr of our blk onli...den after awhile den i saw ah be...den after cum in den go wash leg den go put tings den cum post...i wil stop here 4 2dae...ta ta...

*ah be seems 2 b quite ok le...=>...*

Qiao An Ne

supressing a smile
6:50 AM

Y Tuesday, November 07, 2006

ytd abt omost 3 den slp...2dae wak up quite earli...coz mummi scold daddi so loud...ytd mummi juz scold me...in case get scold again...i conti. 2 fak slp until mummi bring ah be go out...ok 4 me...nt so long...onli fak slp abt 30 mins mummi bring ah be go out...after wak up straight awai go switch on com 1st...2 check whether it is realli locked...luckili my bro didn lock it...i tink is bcoz my bro wak up 2 earli n my mummi haven wak up...so she cant tel him 2 lock e com...after c e com nv lock den i go wash up n comb my hair...den go play com...while playin quite hungri...den go tak zi cai n eat den drink yakult...conti. play until abt omost 5 liao den i go cok maggi mee eat...dried de...after finish den conti. play until near 7 den go watch princess hrs...watch until half go watch e princess hrs dvd...coz gt sm part i haven seen...watch until 8.30 smtin den conti. play com...play until 9 smtin mummi sis sis's fren n ah be cum bk...while playin com i walk 2 kitchen drink wata den saw table gt gummi...so pick up n eat lor...hahaz...sis n sis's fren playin...fight here fight dere...after tt sis show ah be's toes...she sae juz nw at third aunt's hs...dunno hw ah be sit e small plastic stool...suddenli fal dw n dunno hw e small plastic stool injure her de...2 of e toes...inbetween e 3rd n e 4th 1...e toes injure...sis sae it muz b v.painful...i tink is s.d.v.v.v.painful...coz tis kind of pain i gt feel b4...when i was sec 2 i tak smtin lyk a small of knift...coz gt a cover 2 cover it de...den i go n open...bt e cover 2 tight den i use more streght 2 open it...dunno hw...e cover flew...at 1st i didn feel anitin...suddenli my thumb s.d.v.v.v.pain...den i lok at it...alot of blood cum out...nt 1 tissue can clear awai de...at 1st dun wan tel mummi de...al bcoz sis's fren...go n tel sis den sis tel mummi...den mummi saw liao...use tissue 2 clear e blood...den mummi sae tt's y she sae beta dun injure at nite...coz at nite if injure...more blood roll out...when goin 2 slp in case e blood...mummi use tissue n wrap it up n use e tape 2 stick it dere...another dae...coz e blood dry 2 e tissue liao...den i open...i nearli wan 2 scream out after open half of it i cant stand it so wak mummi up...den mummi sae muz use wata 2 wet e tissue 1st...den eazi 2 tak out...den go wash up...wash up oso cant do properli...face oso nt eazi 2 wash...lyk i lost1 thumb liao...do wat wif rite hand onli use 4 fingers...end of my injure stori...den abt 12 smtin i go bath...den cum post...i wil stop here 4 2dae...ta ta...

*hope ah be recover soon...coz its s.d.v.v.v.painful...*

Qiao An Ne

supressing a smile
9:53 AM

Y Monday, November 06, 2006

hmm...cum bk fr gentin oledi 2 daes le...bt bro usin so i cant use...gentin was ok ba...nt quite fun ok ok onli...gt tak sm fotos wif my famili n buy a pair of earrins n a tie hair de n a scarf...oso gt play sm of e tings in e indr theme park...nt i wan 2 play de...coz my niece wan play...den she stil too small...den they cal me 2 accompani her play...onli 1 i nv accompani her...e gentin paris...coz tt 1 can let her alone go play n nt angerous at al...1st dae reach dere go check in hotel...den go hotel rm put tings...we stay in e 1st world hotel...my daddi go casino...my mummi sis her fren n me go watch ah be play e gentin paris...my sis's fren gt ah be a 2 dae ticket n ah be go 2 e ticket taggin counter 2 tag e ticket 2 her hand...den accompani her go play merri go round...while ah be go play gentin paris again..my sis n her fren at dere watch her...den i n my mummi go shoppin...den at e evenin...we go eat at e wang jiao cha cang ting...after eatin i accompani ah be play e dunno wat is it...it float around e indr theme park de...gt alot of pattern...gt boat de...lotus de...dragon de...blue whale de...wif bright lights bsides it...we sit in e lotus pattern de...den e ppl work dere close e dr...den we start xplore e indr theme park in a high height...after tt we go arcade played den go bk 2 hotel...den i go bath liao i go slp...2nd dae...wak up liao go wash up den change...after changin...we go eat breakfast at e kopitiam nxt 2 e wang jiao cha cang ting nt far awai...e fd dere was yuckz...nt lyk ppl eat de...eat liao no appetience...den my mummi sae at nite we go eat wang jiao cha cang ting beta...e price was e same bt e taste was far awai...my mummi n sis accompani my daddi go mak e casino member card ting...den go my sis's fren n i go accompani ah be go play again...my sis's fren gt me a 1 dae ticket...i n ah be go e ticket taggin counter tag our tickets 2 our hands den we go play...we go play e deer ferri wheels e boat on e wata...quite fun...after tt ah be go play her gentin paris...when she play merri go round den i accompani her...at nite...after we go eat at e wang jiao cha cang ting 4 our dinner...i felt quite borin den i wan go bk 2 hotel...so my mummi sis n i try 2 tak out e ticket fr my hand den giv 2 my sis...my mummi n i try 2 put on 4 my sis...bt althought she is skinni her hand has 2 much meat le...so at last my sis ni go in2 e toilet n use e soap 2 pull it in...finalli we did it le...bt my sis's was red colour de...den she go play e boat on wata n my sis's fren go buy a ticket n go play e roller coaster wif my sis...den they accompani ah be go play e floatin de...den after tt we go bk 2 hotel n i go bath n go slp...e last dae...i wak up n go wash up n get changed...den we go eat our breakfast at wang jiao cha cang ting...we go play arcade awhile n use e coupons 2 change 3 bowls 2 whistles n 1 big pencil...bowls 4 us...whistles n big pencil 4 ah be...den we go hm...

*when wil my freedom cum bk...*

Qiao An Ne

supressing a smile
7:48 AM


sophie's pictures,cute horx??my gugu's dog here in US alot of ppl
keep dogs.im now in florida,here is lke singapore,no winter^^so i wont have
to wear so thick...

supressing a smile
6:43 AM

Y Sunday, November 05, 2006

supressing a smile
11:10 PM

Y Saturday, November 04, 2006

mai 7 buddies,haish feelin realli down these few days.im not able to go back to singapore.my farkin uncle dont let me to cos he found out bout amos.so what idiot.hes just being selfish,kaox freak,he oni allow us to be in arelationship when we turn 21 years old...!!!!hes mad man..idiotic man hate him n tat bloody bitch...all baddies i stab dem stabstabstab...idiots,nxt year i have to concentrate on my studies,have to catch up wif the people here.its damn cold now in US,goin winter soon..haish realli miz der daes we had...realli regret tat i've cum here n regret wifout tkin any pics on der last dae of sch...how i wish time can rewind again.sobx,but my mom saes tat i could cum back to s'pore durin my summer vacations.durin june!!!!- - so damn long.goin bck i don wana stay wif tat idiot,mayb stay at shi's hs lorx,buden wad if she rape me,oh god,could i bring my future puppy chiwawa along??haas don1 lar lata u guys kidnap go cook...haas u guys tke care kay??luv ya..

supressing a smile
10:46 PM