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Y Saturday, February 03, 2007

long time nobody post le. maybe bestiies forgotten we got tis blog or they dunno the password of the account? wish that we can plan more events to go out together.
i wished our friendship can build up to be closer and not to become further and further.
i hope we can be back together again and more united
if you guys read this post. i hope u all really understand what i'm trying to say.
rmb when we were doing that 'black book' we promised that got anything must say out to 1 another and cannot be angry bout it? so any unhappiness jus say. surely we must accpet everyones comments.
we must understand one another.

i know myself have many bad points. i'm willing to hear whatever you are unhappy with mie. jus tell mie and i will try to change.
sorry if i made any of you unhappy.
from the bottom of my heart 'SORRY!'

our happy moments 27/12/07 (:

waiting for the next events for all of us.


supressing a smile
6:11 AM