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Y Friday, March 16, 2007

Hey! Stacey ar stacey!
I still remember... 15-03-2007
Is.. a special day!!
Happy 16th Birthday To Euu!!
HopE all your wishes come true ya?
Ermm. Hope you have been living well there?
But i Tink Ya!
Haha. Hope to see u soon when ure havin ur summer break.!
Take care and stay happy yeah?

-- cHaRmAiiNe --

supressing a smile
2:59 AM

Y Thursday, March 15, 2007

hey! stacey! happy B'dae to you!! happy 16th B'dae!! wish you grow pretty everyyear! good luck in every thing you do..


sharon! beloved fren!!

supressing a smile
9:13 AM


hey!!! happy birthday!!! i at msn already greet you a happy birthday liao... but don't know you got see anot... hahaz... why your holiday so long then start... then you still got come back to here ma... hope you can early holiday and comeback before we start school... only holidays then i can online for quite some time, so didn't tag you offen... at there good ma??? sure very good horz... must come back to visit us horz... tata...
*come back soon...*
~sTuPiiD GaL~

supressing a smile
9:05 AM


guess what? today i'm posting because of this special day. wakakas. 15 of March.
Happy Birthday to Stacey. hehes. she's 16 year old le. hehes. older then mie for 9months. hees.
i wondered how did she celebrated her birthday. i know last week she already received some of her present from relative le. hahas. stay happy and be pretty forever. hehes. she's the oldest among the 8 of us lehs. hehes. i guess also the tallest. kees. anyway we will remain as bestiies no matter where you go. xD

a birthdaay song for her..
Happy bithday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy brithday to STACEY

hope to see you soon. hopefully is this coming june will get to see you le.
take care and miss ya lots.


supressing a smile
8:40 AM


hey hey hey..!!!!!!!! STACEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPI BIRTHDAE WOR..!!! I STILL remeber ur birthdae hor.... haha... faster come bak leh..!!!!!! i MISSS you leh!!!! faster come bak!!!!!! come bak come bak!!!! haha.... HAPPI BRITHDAE!!!!!!

hui shi & hui min

supressing a smile
8:37 AM

Y Monday, March 12, 2007

finally we got a chance to go to sentosa again. hahas. but only 6 went. geraldine wasnt there with us. stacey at america. so only left 6. but lian & amelia join us for ytd outing. hehes. so fun. we really enjoy lots. but hope at our next outing. all the 8 of us will be aboe to attend.
i hope we ccan plan chalet and 8 of us plus some other friends go together during tis june holiday. hehes. it will really going to be very very fun. hehes. but of coz, if we want to go for the chalet. we have to pay and also be sporting. hehes.
bestiies rox. hehes. never be replaced in life. we will forever remain as 8. never more or less.
i lurbed you guys. muaccks. xD

8 of us in the water xD



standing in a row

from the shortest to the tallest


meiyii, maine, xia & shi


lots of fun

enjoying ourselves

acting cute? hahas. yeah she is!!!

the couples, jo&gs

the couple plus 3 'BIG' children. hahas

omg, she's falling

lian, shi, min & meiyi

amelia, min, meiyi, lian and shi. *wheres maine?

amelia, hui min, meiyii, rui lian

5 of us again

mixia, min, amelia & lian

amelia bully ah min.

xia, maine & min

xia & meiyii

hui min, hui shi & meiyii

lian, xia & meiyii

what is hui shi doing?

hui shi & yu xia

xia peggy back lian

shi peggy back lian

the 4 netball girl

school team, no joke arhs. kees

hui min & myself

bomb! wakkas

ah min and me again

charmaine & meiyii

min, maine, yii, shi

the twins plus meiyii

the 9 girls who went sentosa together xD

7 of us. kekes

yi, xia, lian & amelia

4 of us again, we are crazy!!!

sitting on the rock

guosheng nose bleed

friends forever!

ah lian

we are sun tanning xD so nice

this pic is chio. taken by amelia

lying on the map

lian & yi after shower

shi & yi outside changing room

lian & xia

lian & shi

ameilia, lian, xia & maine

6 of us outside de toliet dere

only 5 bestiies, wheres the other 3? *they rocks*

yi & shi with sunglasses

amelia & meiyii. she look like a coach

meiyi & amelia at the bus

at the bus going bak to habour front

lian & meiyii at MRT station

lian & yi again

our reflections.

6 of us at Tiong Bahru station

lian, yii, min, shi

1 and only hui min

yi, min, lian

pictures edit by Meyii
posted by Meiyii.

supressing a smile
6:42 AM