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Y Friday, May 11, 2007

hey hey hey!!!!!
i come to upload liao..!!! wahahah..!!1 this few week gt things happen sia..!!! all bad de..!!! whaha.!! but nvm... i will nt feel weak de.. i don care wan la..!! sick!!!!... wth..!!! ai ya 4get it lor..!!! exam coming liiao lor... must study le.. miss wang suuuxxxxx>!!!@$*@#%( this fucker...!! she sux to hell..!!! thinking of her make mi feel like thinking of a pig.!!! seeing her is like looking at a pig teaching us chemistry..!!! sux!!!! sux... sux...!!!! sooo big size thinking like small kid..!! step 1 small kid la... so bigg bigg biggg siZE..!!! ...........

buai buai....

supressing a smile
1:46 AM

Y Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Hey guys!
Cheers for our chalet to be happening!
Hehe. Ermm.
Hopefully all the girls will be able to make it!
Hehe! Well.. We gonna enjoy to the fullest!
N-level exams coming! So we must work extra harder!
But june holidays chalet we must enjoy enjoy AND enjoy!
Then after that! study hard!
Hope everything will be fine after the chalet..!
Take care pals!!


supressing a smile
4:40 AM